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The presentation of the global Digital Signage Awards will take place on Monday February 3, 2025, at the Esferic Events Center, Montjuic, Barcelona. Each place booked to the Awards dinner and ceremony also includes attendance at the combined SIXTEEN:NINE Mixer and Awards' Welcome drinks.

A booking must either be paid for at the time of booking by debit or credit card using the PayPal for business system, or you can request an invoice for payment within 14 days by FundsFlow, Swift, BACS or any other form of electronic transfer from bank to bank.

EARLY BOOKING rates apply until November 24, 2024:
Single places at £325 each, or a table for 10 at £3,000. UK VAT will be added as applicable for companies in the UK and the EU.

STANDARD rates will apply on or after November 25, 2024:
Single places at £350 plus VAT each, or a table for 10 at £3250 + VAT.

Please select how many places you want to reserve at the Awards Ceremony.

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Total Price: £325.00
No more seats are available

VAT will be added as appropriate to your total at the checkout.

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On the next page you can confirm and pay for the places.