The celebration of the Finalists and Winners will take place at an evening event on Monday, February 3 2025 at the Esferic Events Center, Montjuic, Barcelona, following the Sixteen:Nine Mixer at the same venue.

Reservations must either be paid for at the time of booking by debit or credit card via the PayPal for Business system, or invoiced for payment within 14 days, net of any bank or currency charges, by BACS or any other form of electronic transfer from bank to bank. You do not need a PayPal account to pay by credit or debit card using the PayPal for Business system.

We reserve the right to change our plans if Covid-19 restrictions or other influences outside our control affect the planned presentation. Please note our terms. Just follow the link at the foot of each page of the website.

EARLY BOOKING RATES apply from now until November 23, 2024
(Individual places: £325 each. Table for 10: £3,000)

STANDARD BOOKING RATES will apply on or after November 25, 2024 until February 3, 2025.
(Individual places: £350 each. Table for 10: £3,250)

Please note: all prices are subject to the addition of UK VAT, if applicable. VAT is not charged to companies based outside the UK or the EU. Please click on a link below to reserve your places.

Early bird pricing for Individual Places at the Ceremony

Early Bird price for Tables of 10 places